In 2005-2007, Next Step Productions undertook research, writing, and production coordination of project that resulted in the 2008 publication Banning Landmines: Disarmament, Citizen Diplomacy and Human Security.
This 348-page book was edited by Mary Wareham, Stephen D. Goose (of Human Rights Watch) and 1997 Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams. It features contributions from a dozen diplomatic, legal, humanitarian, and civil society leaders. In April 2008, Banning Landmines was published by Rowman & and Littlefield.
Banning Landmines provides an array of perspectives on the current status of global efforts to eradicate landmines, nearly ten years since the successful establishment of the ground-breaking 1997 treaty prohibiting antipersonnel mines. It analyzes the positive and negative impacts of the enormously successful movement to ban antipersonnel mines. Banning Landmines looks at the avenues available to address human security challenges faced by civil society movements and multilateral diplomacy in a unipolar world.
Banning Landmines is available from, Barnes & Noble and can be ordered from Rowman & Littlefield.